ISO 27001 Internal Auditor

Participating in ISO 27001 Internal Auditor will make you an expert in carrying out internal audits including planning, execution and reporting according to the requirements in the ISO 27001 standard and in the Annex A requirement form as well as the generic audit standard, ISO 19011.

Throughout the ISO 27001 Internal Auditor course, we work with a case to learn how to use the subject areas in the ISO 27001 standard in practice. We will also briefly discuss GDPR and the ISO 27701 standard, and their relation to ISO 27001.

Target audience

The ISO 27001 Internal Auditor training is directed towards employees and system administrators who are to carry out internal audits of the company’s management system according to the ISO 27001 standard regarding information security.


  • Objectives and safety precautions according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 
  • Audits (planning and implementation) 
  • Communication techniques 
  • Intern auditor conduct
  • Preparation, execution and reporting of internal audits 
  • Non-conformity reports 
  • Ongoing improvements 
  • Exercises and case studies 

course dates

Start dateend datelocationdurationpriceorder
Coming soon..    

Before the training date, you will receive the training material by email. Please print the materials yourself if you wish to bring along hardcopies to the course. All exercises are handed over at the day of the training.

By registration you will be offered accommodation and dinner between the two training days. The price of this is DKK 1.200 excl. VAT. It is not a part of the course price.

All prices mentioned are excl. VAT.