Rådgivning i bæredygtighed_miljøvaredeklarationer EPD, Bureau Veritas

Environmental product declaration (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a documentation of the impact of building materials on the environment during production, use and disposal. The EPD is based on a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the product and complies with the recognised European and international standards ISO 14025 and EN 15804. Thus, it is possible to compare different building materials.

With an EPD, you can get access to recognised and trusted platforms, e.g. EPD International or EPD Denmark, where declarations are published. This can strengthen credibility towards your customers and partners.

keep track of the declarations?

Bureau Veritas performs life cycle assessments (LCA), on which EPDs are based. We can outline the entire process for you so you can get started with the declarations.

Tomas Jørgensen, Business Developer Sustainability
Phone: +45 2684 4199 | Mail: tomas.jorgensen@bureauveritas.com

4 steps to an epd

  1. We start with a life cycle assessment (LCA) to map the product's total environmental impact from "the cradle to the grave". This is necessary as the overall assessment of a product's sustainability must determine if the product is sustainably produced, how long it can last, and whether it is possible to reuse or recycle the product afterwards
  2. Next, we identify and calculate the environmental impacts based on the confidential LCA. EPDs report on a total of 38 impact categories, of which 16 from the LCA are included
  3. After this, an external quality control and approval (third-party verification) is carried out
  4. Finally, we publish the EPD on relevant platforms and offer an annual update

how can you use an epd?

  • You get access to recognised platforms such as EPD International and EPD Denmark, which can strengthen your brand as trustworthy
  • You have the opportunity to future-proof the product so that it always complies with current Danish legislation and future Danish and EU legislation
  • Places in the value chain with a savings potential are apparent - both environmentally and financially
  • You can make more environmentally conscious choices in product development, for example by opting out less sustainable products

do you need a construction product declaration? (BVD)

In the case of major construction projects in Scandinavia, developers can request documentation of the environmental and health hazards associated with the materials used. A BVD is a document with detailed information about chemical substances in the product, and how to handle the product during the construction phase and disposal.

Bureau Veritas can prepare a physical document that follows the requirements of the Swedish Construction Product Declaration (eBVD).