Rådgivning i bæredygtighed_beregning af klimaaftryk, Bureau Veritas

Calculation of climate footprint

Transparency has become a matter of urgency. The pressure from the political side is increasing with, among other things, the introduction of the new EU legislation based on CSRD. At the same time, there is a growing interest among consumers regarding CO2 emissions. Most companies wish to strengthen their credibility by being able to document and communicate carbon footprints of products to customers.

There are different ways of calculating climate footprints, and a carbon footprint can be made at both product and company level.

Bureau Veritas advises are based on widely used standards, and we can make the calculations for you:

How to calculate a climate footprint

Life cycle assessment (LCA)

You get an overview of the total environmental impact of your products and processes – all the way from "cradle to grave". A life cycle assessment is an efficient tool for comparing products on a basis that makes sense to them. We use a recognised method to create a meaningful frame of reference.

Learn more about LCA
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Environmental product declaration (EPD)

An environmental product declaration is public and based on an LCA. With it, you get access to a recognised and trusted platform (e.g. EPD International or EPD Denmark) that can help strengthen your position in the market and future-proof the product.

Learn more about EPD
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Product environmental footprint (PEF)

The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) will be a legal requirement within the EU that must be met in connection with the Green Claims Directive. It was created by the EU to make product eco-labels more transparent for consumers and to put an end to greenwashing.

Lean more about PEF
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Do you need our help?

Bureau Veritas advises Danish and global companies in calculating climate footprints. We help them become fully aware of the purpose of the calculation. This is essential to be able to choose the right one for your company. Get in touch and we will help you too.

Tomas Jørgensen, Business Developer Sustainability
Phone: +45 2684 4199 | Mail: tomas.jorgensen@bureauveritas.com


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