APQP4Wind Specialist Training

By combining lectures, workshops and practical exercises, the APQP4WIND Specialist Training will give you an understanding of the APQP4Wind framework, the rationales behind it, and the value in using it, as well as mobilize you for implementation internally and in cooperation with suppliers and Windpower customers.

Target group

The target group of the APQP4WIND Specialist Training is specialists and managers involved in the APQP4Wind process, within quality management, coordination, product- and system development etc. at Windpower suppliers, sub-suppliers, manufacturers and customers.


  • The APQP4Wind process and PPAP (documentation requirements) with special attention to framework and methodology 
  • FMEA (Failure mode and Effect Analysis) - a risk management and preventive tool for use during product and process design. It includes topics as Process Flow Charge, Process Control Plans and Special Characteristics 
  • MSA (Measurement System Analysis), including the approach to planning, analyzing, evaluating, and improving Measurement Systems applied to Products and Processes 
  • Capability Analysis and fundamentals of SPC (Statistical Process Control) aiming at measuring, evaluating and controlling variations occurring during manufacturing 
  • Examples and discussions related to the application, management and implementation of the topics 
  • 40 minutes multiple choice test 

course dates

Start dateend datelocationdurationpriceorder
November 12, 2024November 15, 2024Moddelfart4 daysDKK 15000,- (excl. vat)
Book training

This course include one APQP4Wind manual. The manual will be handed out on the first day of the course.

This course is a 4 day course, each day includes 7 hours of effective training (excl. Lunch Breaks) organized as 4 consecutive days.

Upon registration, you will be offered accommodation between the 4 course days. The price for this is DKK 2,800, - excl. VAT and is not included in the course price.

By enrollment for this course, you accept that your information will be disclosed to the APQP4Wind organization. The information will only be used in connection with the course and not in any other context.

All prices mentioned is excl. VAT.