Gap analysis, Bureau Veritas

GAP analysis

Have a GAP analysis done before certification

The first step towards certification is for many companies a GAP analysis. The purpose of a GAP analysis is to provide organizations with a tool to help list and identify the distance between their current management system and the new standards framework (ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001 etc.).

The benefits of a GAP analysis

  • Insight into the interpretation of the standard
  • A clear overview of what you need to be certified
  • Reporting with deficiencies and improvement points that can be used as “To do” list to get through the certification safely
  • Opportunities to use the resources where they are needed most - increasing the chances of successful certification

Do you need help?

Contact us through the link below or contact Peter Worck, Sales- & Training Manager, directly at +45 2250 6708 or